The Turned On device gets your mind back in the game -- and off your helmet-mounted GOPRO® HERO3, HERO3+ and HERO4. As you know, optimal performance in extreme sports requires an absolutely clear head (and nothing good can happen when personal safety takes a backseat to a blinking light).
The electronics are the same in both versions of Turned On by HYPOXIC. The backs are tailored to your particular case.
Turned On is case specific, not camera specific. Please confirm with a photo before purchasing.
Is it hard to install?
No! Simply click off the existing back door to your camera and click in our custom back door. Next, use our intuitive application to install Turned On on your GoPro Camera. Finally, slide Turned On into your GoPro Camera, and you are ready for almost any action sport! Check Out Hypoxic's simple install instructions and support page.
Why do I need this?
In most action sports, safety should be your primary concern. With GoPro Cameras, it’s too easy to be so distracted by camera status that you forget about your safety procedures. With, Turned On, you’ll always know that your camera is problem-free and ready to go. (Of course, this means no more hilarious “Am I blinking?” faces -- but we think you’ll live.)
Why not the Wi-Fi Remote?
The Wi-Fi Remote works just fine under controlled laboratory conditions. In the real world, however, it’s always uncharged, it quickly drains your camera’s battery and it’s highly susceptible to RF interference. Beyond that, the remote’s small screen and indicators make it impossible to know what’s going on during high-adrenaline sports like ours.
Will it work in any mode?
Your camera will operate normally with Turned On installed. It will still work with the Wi-Fi app and remote. When the unit is removed, GoPro Inc.’s existing backpack products will work as normal.
How does it know I’m in the wrong mode?
Turned On will warn you when you accidentally hit the mode button one too many times and are not in the default “power on” mode. The camera will still record just fine in this mode -- but Turned On will make sure you’re aware of the current setting.
Is it waterproof?
Turned On with its custom back was designed to be water-resistant, but is not meant to be submerged. If you plan on submerging Turned On, you must first test all gaskets without the camera installed.
How does it really work?
Turned On works much like Magic Lantern for Canon Cameras. A small application, which runs in the background, reads the camera’s status and sets the LEDs appropriately.